Classy Glassey
7th April 2016
The work of Bill Glassey in installing Barry Fitzgerald as his successor in the chair of Furness Mark Lodge No 36 at Barrow in Furness Masonic Hall was top class. It was fitting that a good turn-out of 60 members and guests were present to witness the proceedings.
Tony Cross, Barry Fitzgerald, Bill Glassey.
Heading the list of visitors was Provincial Junior Warden Tony Cross in what was his last visit in that role as a representative of the P.G.M. He was accompanied by other acting provincial officers in the persons of visitors Peter Hampson and Austin Fletcher as well as Furness members Keiron Mullan and Dave Sear.
Austin Fletcher, Stuart Brackstone, Barry Fitzgerald (John Parrott’s legs!),
Tony Cross, Keiron Mullan and Peter Hampson.
Mark Masons from Millom in the neighbouring province of Cumberland and Westmorland had made their way around the Duddon Estuary for the ceremony whilst guests from the south had navigated a passage around Morecambe Bay.
Visiting WMs; Jim Richards of Jubilee, Derek Abbott of Scorton and Martin George of Duddon.
Bill has had a rather punishing schedule of late with having to deliver three different types of ritual in a space of three weeks. It did not affect the quality of the ceremony he delivered for Barry. It was both accurate and delivered with great feeling.
Tony and Barry take wine.
Special representative Stuart Brackstone paid tribute to Bill for not only his work on the evening but his efforts throughout the year when he had proved to be an excellent ambassador for Furness Mark Lodge.
Barry Hadley, Peter Schofield and Alan Jones.
Also contributing to the ceremonial part of the proceedings was Keiron Mullan who presented and explained the keystone collaret. Geoff Waters delivered the address to the wardens whilst Tony earned his supper in orating an excellent address to the Brethren. Dave Sear chipped in with the presentation of the working tools and the address to the newly installed W.M.
Jim Richards, Peter Quirk, Brian Davey, Ken Boon and Geoff Biddulph.
All were under the guidance and watchful eye of that well respected Freeman of the Borough of Barrow in Furness (and Douglas Fairbanks Jnr stunt double) - lodge director of ceremonies Bill Joughin who also performed the address to the overseers.
Stuart Brackstone, Bill Glassey, Tony Cross and Bill Joughin
As is traditional a cheque changed hands with Tony being presented with one made out in the sum of £500 for the West Lancashire Mark Charity.
The not-yet Mark masons; Richard Wilcock, Bob Herbert and Carl Hallows.
It will be a busy year for Barry. At the next craft provincial meeting he will be appointed to the rank of Deputy Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies and assume all the duties and responsibilities that come with that prestigious role.
Morecambe Mark Lodge Visitors are; Peter Jackson, WM Geoff Needham and Geoff Wilman.
In Furness Mark Lodge he will be gainfully employed with one candidate proposed on the evening. At the installation meal three men who are not yet Mark Masons were present. Two of them, quite freely and without undue pressure, left clasping membership application forms which they are anxious to submit. So it looks like Barry will have full house of advancements this year.
Craig Boothroyd, Darren Stainton, Geoff Biddulph and John Browne.
The meal was turkey and proved a very acceptable choice of menu with the catering undertaken by Mike Elliot of the Crown on Walney Island.
A retired police officer Barry spoke of the fact that Furness Mark Lodge had brought him back into contact with several former colleagues. His proposer Harry Chatfield was unable to be present but had worked with Barry at Barrow Police Station. His seconder Dave Sear had been his Detective Inspector when he first became a detective. Lodge A.D.C. Ken Boon had been his Inspector when he was a Sergeant on a shift at Barrow and inner guard Ken Parkinson had been on the same shift. They are all members of different lodges but had co-incidentally been re-united by their membership of Furness Mark Lodge.
Following the formalities of the meal many of those in attendance remained to enjoy the craic and help boost the profit column of the bar whilst indulging in that most important part of Mark Masonry – having fun.
Report and Photogaphs Courtesy of Dave Sear.